从 Google Drive 里下载文件,在国内是受限的;即使用翻墙下载,也是不太稳定的,容易断掉;一旦断掉,就需要从头下载,非常浪费时间。

于是就想,利用在海外的代理服务器先把文件下好,再通过 FTP 从代理服务器下载;而且还可以用下载工具进行下载,断掉也不怕,有端点续传。

网上搜了搜,大家比较推荐 gdown[1],试了下,下载 icdar2017rctw_test.zip 会出现以下提示,而无法完成下载。

Access denied with the following error:
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please
try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to
access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may
take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you
still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain
You may still be able to access the file from the browser:

gdown 的官方 issues 里也提到了这个问题[2],看上去还没解决掉。gdown 这条路不通了。

了解到 Chrome 的 DevTools / Network 里,可以把一个请求转换成 cURL 命令。而我们点击 Google Drive 里的“仍然下载”在 Network 中是可以看到请求,把该请求 Copy 成 “Copy as cURL (bash)”,再加上“-LOJ”参数在代理服务器上运行,就可以飞速下载了。


  1. wget/curl large file from google drive
  2. Permission denied … Maybe you need to change permission over ‘Anyone with the link’?

